Showing posts with label Broker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Broker. Show all posts

Monday, September 12, 2016

Stock Broker Definition

Stock Broker

A broker or stockbroker in the context of investing is a person or an organisation who will purchase, sell, transact and do all incidental things relating to various financial instruments like shares, bonds, IPOs, etcetera.

In India, as well as many advanced countries, a few decades ago, there used to be individuals who acted as stockbrokers, who would physically go to the stock exchange well or ring and jostling and pushing shout loud to execute buy and sell orders on behalf of their clients.

With widespread awareness, immense increase in volumes, emergence of online trading platforms and large amount of funds required to make settlements with stock exchanges, large financial corporations have replaced the individuals.

The New York stock exchange trading floor in September 1963, before the introduction of electronic readouts and computer screens.
Source: EN Wikipedia

With widespread awareness, immense increase in volumes, emergence of online trading platforms and large amount of funds required making settlements with stock exchanges; large financial corporations have replaced the individuals.


A few leading stock brokers operating in India