
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Investing Profits Games

Picture Depicts Playing Games and Profits
Picture Depicts Playing Games and Profits

It is time to test our learning in a fun way. You are advised to read the profits related definitions like EBDITA, provided in the page 'Accounting and Financial Terms' before attempting to play this game.

This interactive investing and financial knowledge game is built over a protected MS Excel file. Please enter your answer (only numbers) in the green coloured boxes. Only these boxes are intended to input your answers. In case you attempt to alter any other cell you will receive an error message,

Refresh the page to clear the contents of the green coloured boxes.

Now, please have fun!

Price to Book Value Ratio Calculator

Happy Investor Frog Explains Price to Book Value Calculation
Happy Investor Frog Explains Price to Book Value Calculation

Meaning/ Definition:

‘Price to Book Value (P2BV)’ is a measure of the number of times the book value of a share is trading at in the stock market. The ratio or proportion is obtained by dividing the ‘Current Market Price (CMP)’ of the share by its book value.


Price to Book Value is the second most important metric in determining the fair price of a share, the first being ‘Price to Earnings (PE) Ratio. If the price is less than the book value it is a good bargain. Maximum recommended is 1.5 times, beyond which the price is not fair or reasonable.


Further Reading: